多尼克乒乓球用品品牌介绍 多尼克DONIC体育用品公司

 多尼克(DONIC)乒乓球用品公司官方网站:多尼克(DONIC)乒乓球用品品牌沿革經過多年的努力多尼克DONIC成功的成長為遍及世界上最重要的桌球器材品牌之一!關於DONIC(多尼克)如此傑出的成果基於一個簡單的原理,快速、有效的改革及創新。率先研發出新產品是DONIC(多尼克)的慣例。這由SENSO中空握柄技術在球拍的製造中、FORMULA內含快速膠性能膠皮在膠皮製造中、機能紡織品在服飾,及靈巧實用的專利功能運用於球桌的設計。20多年來始終保持改革創新是DONIC(多尼克)成為世界上最有名品牌之一的原動力。華德納(J.O.Waldner),這位頂尖的DONIC(多尼克)選手,在20年無間斷的名列世界頂尖高手,贏得了巴塞隆納的奧運冠軍及過去以來的八次世界冠軍,包括了兩次單打冠軍、兩次世界錦標賽男單亞軍、及兩次季軍。擁有如此傲人成績的華德納長久以來便與Donic有著良好的合作關係,並在1993年正式進入Donic公司參與研究工作。而早在華德納的時代之前,多尼克Donic最早的代言人是同樣來自瑞典的阿培爾格倫(MikaelAppelgren),總計超過15年來和DONIC(多尼克)一同攜手創造出歐洲連續三回男單冠軍的空前記錄保持者。第三位瑞典的DONIC(多尼克)超級球員是佩爾森(JörgenPersson),同樣的也是獲得世界桌球錦標賽男單冠軍、歐洲桌球錦標賽男單冠軍、世界12強冠軍、世界盃冠軍,也是一位愛心大使。在瑞典國家代表隊中,他為代表隊一起贏得了四次世界冠軍。多尼克DONIC是一個家族公司,董事長及總經理均曾是德國職業桌球聯盟的球員,總部設於德國的Völklingen。在1987年,在僅有創立10年的基礎,DONIC(多尼克)球桌即使用於新德里世界桌球錦標賽中!DONIC(多尼克)的服裝精品更成功的由各國家優秀隊伍的指定穿著,包括了現在歐洲最強的國家代表隊:德國隊:歐洲桌球錦標賽亞軍及2002歐洲聯盟賽冠軍比利時隊:2001世界桌球錦標賽亞軍在年輕一代的選手中,曾獲得歐洲12強菁英賽冠軍的史米諾夫,來自德國的青年12強菁英賽冠軍DimitrijOvtcharov,以及來自台灣的國手周東昱多年來不斷使用Donic的器具,也都是Donic的愛好者。---多尼克(DONIC)伙伴选手(代言人)華德納 Jan-Ove Waldner / SWE
奧運冠軍,6回世界錦標賽優勝,11回歐洲錦標賽優勝,7回世界12強優勝,2回世界盃優勝佩爾森 Jörgen Persson / SWE
5回世界錦標賽優勝, 9回歐洲錦標賽優勝, 世界12強優勝, 世界盃優勝Adrian Crisan
2002, 2004 羅馬尼亞男子單打冠軍Alexji Smirnov
Vice-European Champion men's double 2003 海斯特 Danny Heister
2002 荷蘭男子單打冠軍 Torben Wosik
Vice-European Champion men's single and -teams 2003. Many times champion of Germany佛朗茲 Peter Franz
多次德國冠軍Patrick Baum
European Youth Champion Dimitrij Ovtcharov
European Champion Cadets 阿培爾格倫 Mikael Appelgren
4次世界冠軍, 8次歐洲冠軍, 2次世界12強冠軍, 世界盃冠軍 Martin Monrad
2000, 2002, 2003 丹麥男子單打冠軍Martin Bratanov
2001世界桌球錦標賽男團亞軍Magnus Molin
European Champion Cadet and Juniors Constantin Cioti
European Champion Cadet and JuniorsDaniel Zwickl
European Champion Cadet Youth Top-12 winnerMassimiliano Mondello
1999, 2000, 2001 義大利男子單打冠軍---多尼克(DONIC)部分产品推介:DONIC EPOX BLADES  炫、力。 TOPSPEED、OFFENSIVE、POWERALLROUND、CONTROL 中國式直拍、橫拍(ST、FL)無機時代的第一選擇 / 符合世界桌總規格DONIC JO PLATIN 白金版高彈性內能強力攻擊膠皮除了再度提昇速度及旋轉能力之外,全新的COPPA JO PLATIN在使用的壽命效能也再度的升級;FORMULA的強力內建快膠效能、獨特聲響,加上宛如日本面膠的通透、摩擦感,同時用家在意的壽命也超越原本已比一般德國膠皮耐用的GOLD、SILVER系列。容易上手的COPPA JO PLATIN看起來是個小發展,當貼上球拍後,PLATIN的效能彷彿再次訂定了一個效能新基準。
•很明確的COPPA JO PLATIN是DONIC FORMULA內建快膠性能膠皮系列中,速度和旋轉表現最強烈的。
•稍微離桌的擊球即可感受COPPA JO 白金版極端的力量。
•感受COPPA JO PLATIN的聲響及速度感之獨樹一格。
•相當改進的耐久性。 多尼克(DONIC)乒乓球用品英文介绍:About DONIC Excellent results are often based on simple principles. DONIC believes in quality, innovation, up-to-date technique and fastness. To be the first on the market with a new product is DONIC’s tradition, e.g. DOTEC and SENSO technology used for blades, FORMULA DONIC and SOUND SYSTEM in rubber production, functional fabric in textiles, and Super Compact technique used for tables. Permanent innovations for more than 25 years have powered DONIC to one of the top table tennis brands in the world.DONIC is a family owned company Both chairmen, Karlheinz and Frank Schreiner, were playing in the German Bundesleague during their time as active players. The headquarters are in Völklingen (Germany).In 1987 already… only ten years after the foundation of the company, DONIC tables have been used at the World Championships in New Delhi! This story of success was repeated in 2006 when DONIC became official table supplier and sponsor at the 2006 LIEBHERR World Team Table Tennis Championships in Bremen and at the 2007 LIEBHERR European Table Tennis Championships in Belgrade.Various World- and European Champion titles have been achieved with DONIC equipment. The best player of all times, Jan-Ove Waldner, the legends Jörgen Persson as well as Mikael Appelgren have believed in DONIC products for years already and represent them world-wide. This longstanding tradition is now continued by the most successful European youth players of the recent years Dimitrij Ovtcharov (European Champion Men’s Team 2007 and Bronze Medallist European Championships Men’s Singles 2007) and Patrick Baum (World Junior Singles Champion 2005).Also very successful is DONIC with its textile collection. Visible signs: The European Champions in team competition Germany and Belgium, two of the most successful National Teams in Europe, achieved their greatest successes in DONIC clothing. Further National Teams such as the Austrian National Team are promoting the brand DONIC world-wide. All DONIC products are checked regarding quality, durability and exclusivity before they are put on the market. Only after having passed various tests and controls, new or modified state-to-the-art products, are launched to the market. This is the result of the DONIC leitmotif: DONIC - TUNED TO PERFECTION上海感动体育用品有限公司为多尼克(DONIC)品牌上海代理商,销售多尼克(DONIC)品牌包括:、、等各类用品,欢迎拨打,销售热线